Europe Day Festival 2023
Every year, the 9th of May provides the occasion to celebrate peace and unity in the European Union. EU organisations and Member States have joined the Europe Day Festival in Place de l’Europe in Luxembourg, welcoming high numbers of citizens that were willing to learn more about the work we do together.

This year marked the 73rd anniversary of the historic Schuman Declaration of 9 May 1950, which laid the foundation for the European Union as we know it today. The Europe Day celebrations took place in the beautiful Place de l’Europe in Luxembourg and brought together EU citizens in high numbers. They were happy to visit the 70 stands prepared by EU organisations and Member States, taking the opportunity to find out more about the work we do together, or simply revel in games and cultural diversities.

The Translation Centre, along with colleagues from all the translation services of other EU institutions, was present at the stand Übersetzen für Europa/Traduire pour l’Europe/Translating for Europe. Undeterred by the rain, visitors of all ages were eager to test their skills by engaging in language quizzes and interactive games or to gain insights into the translation profession.

This has been such an enriching experience for all of us and we look forward to the 2024 Europe Day!

Watch the video: