Internal competition CDT-CI-2023-01 - Italian translator
Internal competition - Head of Germanic and Slavonic2 Languages section
Head of Romance and Mediterranean Languages Section
Internal competition - Head of IT Infrastructure
Internal competition - Irish translator (AD7)
Internal Competition - French translator (AD7)
Internal competition - Head of the Workflow Management Section (AD8)
Internal competition - Head of the Advanced Language Solutions Section (AD8)
Internal competition - Head of the Legal Affairs Section (AD8)
Portuguese translator (AD6)
Notice of internal competition – Administrator Program Manager AD6
The Translation Centre is organising an internal competition, based on test, to constitute a reserve list from which to recruit for permanent posts in AD function groups.
Notice of internal competition – Head of the Development Section - IT
The Translation Centre is organising an internal competition, based on test, to constitute a reserve list from which to recruit for permanent posts in AD function groups.
Linguistic Administrator with Croatian as main language – AD6
The Translation Centre is organising an internal competition, based on test, to constitute a reserve list from which to recruit for permanent posts in AD function groups.
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Administrator - Language Technology AD6
The Translation Centre is organising an internal competition, based on test, to constitute a reserve list from which to recruit for permanent posts in AD function groups.
Notice of internal competition – Head of the Human Resources Section (AD8)
The Translation Centre is organising an internal competition, based on test, to constitute a reserve list from which to recruit for permanent posts in AD function groups.
Notice of internal competition – Linguistic Administrator (AD7)
The Translation Centre is organising an internal competition, based on tests, to constitute a reserve list from which to recruit for permanent posts in AD function groups.
Notice of internal competition – Administrator Finance (AD5)