
Med hjälp av skriftliga förfaranden och sina möten två gånger om året fattar styrelsen alla viktiga beslut som rör centrumet.

Summary of decisions of the 64th meeting of the Management Board

Summary of decisions of the 62nd meeting of the Management Board

Summary of decisions of the 63rd meeting of the Management Board

Summary of decisions of the 61st meeting of the Management Board

Summary of decisions of the 60th meeting of the Management Board

Summary of decisions of the 59th meeting of the Management Board

Summary of decisions of the 58th meeting of the Management Board

Summary of decisions of the 57th meeting of the Management Board

Summary of decisions of the 56th meeting of the Management Board

Summary of decisions of the 46th meeting of the Management Board

Summary of decisions of the 45th meeting of the Management Board

Summary of decisions of the 43rd meeting of the Management Board

Summary of decisions of the 42nd meeting of the Management Board

Summary of decisions of the 55th meeting of the Management Board

Summary of decisions of the 53rd meeting of the Management Board

Summary of decisions of the 52nd meeting of the management board

Summary of decisions of the 51st meeting of the management board

Summary of decisions of the 50th meeting of the Management Board

Summary of decisions of the 49th meeting of the Management Board

Summary of decisions of the 48th meeting of the Management Board

Summary of decisions of the 47th meeting of the Management Board

Summary of decisions of the 44th meeting of the Management Board