Vous trouverez ci-dessous les offres d’emplois du Centre de traduction qui ont été archivées.

CdT-03-2024 - Head of the Finance and Strategic Planning Section

Internal publication CDT/03/2024Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

CDT-AST3-2024-03 System Administrator

Temporary Agent CDT-AST3-2024-03Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal publication CDT-02-2024 - Head of Language Section_C

Internal publication CDT-02-2024_C_ENPublication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal publication CDT-02-2024 - Head of Language Section

Internal publication CDT-02-2024Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

CDT-TR-2024 Traineeship

Traineeship CDT-TR-2024Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

CDT-AD5-2024-01 Natural Language Processing Specialist

Temporary Agent CDT-AD5-2024-01Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal Publication CDT-01-2024 - HR Assistant

Temporary Agent CDT-01-2024Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal competition CDT-CI-2023-01 - Italian translator

Internal competition CDT-CI-2023-01Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal publication CDT-05-2023 - Strategic Planning and Quality Administrator

Temporary Agent CDT-05-2023Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

CDT-AD5-2023-05 - Latvian, Slovak and Slovenian Translators

Temporary Agent CDT-AD5-2023-05Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal publication CDT-04-2023 - Italian Translator

Internal publication CDT-04-2023Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal publication CDT-03-2023 - Assistant in the External Relations and Communication Section

Internal publication CDT-03-2023Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal publication CDT-02-2023 - Head of the Advanced Language Solutions Section

Internal publication CDT-02-2023Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

CDT-AD6-2023-04 - Service Delivery Manager

Temporary Agent CDT-AD6-2023-04Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

CDT-AST3-2023-02 - Linguistic Services Processing Assistant

Temporary Agent CDT-AST3-2023-02Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

CDT-AD5-2023-03 - Lithuanian translator

Temporary Agent CDT-AD5-2023-03Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

CDT-AST4-2023-01 Service Desk Assistant

Temporary Agent CDT-AST4-2023-01Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal publication CDT-01-2023 - Head of the External Relations and Communication Section

Internal publication CDT-01-2023Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal publication CDT-05-2022 - Document Management Officer (DMO)

Internal publication CDT-05-2022Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

CDT-ACIII-2022-02 - Operational Support Agents

Contract Agent CDT-ACIII-2022-02Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

-- Cancelled -- CDT-AD6-2022-03 - Officer in Charge of Risk Management and Internal Control Coordination

Temporary Agent CDT-AD6-2022-03Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal publication CDT-03-2022 - English translator

Internal publication CDT-03-2022Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

CDT-AD5-2022-02 - Bulgarian translator

Temporary Agent CDT-AD5-2022-02Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal competition - Head of Germanic and Slavonic2 Languages section

Internal competition CDT-CI-2022-03Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal publication CDT-02-2022- Head of Germanic and Slavonic Languages Section

Internal publication CDT-02-2022Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

CDT-ACIII-2022-01 Service Desk Assistant

Contract Agent CDT-ACIII-2022-01Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

CDT-AD5-2022-01 - Italian translator

Temporary Agent CDT-AD5-2022-01Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal publication - French translator

Internal publication CDT-01-2022Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Swedish translator

Internal competition CDT-CI-2022/01Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Head of Romance and Mediterranean Languages Section

Internal competition CDT-CI-2022/02Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Head of Romance and Mediterranean Languages Section (AD5-AD12)

Internal publication CDT/11/2021Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg


Temporary Agent CDT-AST2-2021/04Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Swedish translator (AD5-AD12)

Internal publication CDT-10-2021Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal competition - Head of IT Infrastructure

Internal competition CDT-CI-2021/06Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Project Support Officer (AD5)

Temporary Agent CDT-AD5-2021-03Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal publication - Assistant to the Director (AD5-AD12)

Internal publication CDT-09-2021Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal competition - Irish translator (AD7)

Internal competition CDT-CI-2021-05Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal Publication - Chef de la section Infrastructure

Internal publication CDT/08/2021Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal Competition - French translator (AD7)

Internal competition CDT/CI/2021/04Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal publication - Senior Assistant (AST 10)

Internal publication CDT/07/2021Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Interagency mobility - Head of the Facilities and Security Section (AD8)

Inter-Agency Mobility CDT/IAM/AD8/21/01Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Head of the Facilities and Security Section

Temporary Agent CDT-AD8-2021-02Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal publication -Translator with Irish as main language (AD5-AD12)

Internal publication CDT/06/2021Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal competition - Head of the Workflow Management Section (AD8)

Internal competition CDT-CI-2021/03Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Maltese Translator (AD5)

Temporary Agent CDT-AD5-2021/01Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Translator with French as main language (AD5-AD12)

Internal publication CDT/04/2021Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal competition - Head of the Advanced Language Solutions Section (AD8)

Internal competition CDT-CI-2021/02Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal publication - Head of the Workflow Management Section (AD8-AD12)

Internal publication CDT/03/2021Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal competition - Head of the Legal Affairs Section (AD8)

Internal competition CDT-CI-2021/01Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal publicaton - Head of the Advanced Language Solutions Section (AD8-AD12)

Internal publication CDT/02/2021Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Internal publication - Head of the Legal Affairs Section (AD8-AD12)

Internal publication CDT/01/2021Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

IT Development Coordinator (AD6)

Temporary Agent CDT-AD6-2020/04Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Administrator in the Advanced Language Solutions Section (AD5-AD12)

Internal publication CDT/08/2020Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg


Inter-Agency Mobility CDT/IAM/AST/20/03Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Dutch Translator

Temporary Agent CDT-AD5-2020/03Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Machine Learning Specialist

Temporary Agent CDT-AD5-2020/02Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Portuguese translator (AD6)

Internal competition CDT/CI/2020/01Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Traducteur irlandais

Agent temporaire CDT-AD5-2020/01Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Postes stagiaire 2020

Stage Traineeships 2020Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg


Inter-Agency Mobility CDT/IAM/AD/20/02Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg


Interinstitutional publication CDT/01/20Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg


Agent contractuel CDT-ACIII-2019/03Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Avis de vacance n° CDT/01/2020 – Assistant au sein de la section Ressources humaines

Mobilité inter-agences CDT/IAM/AST/20/01Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Traducteur finnois

Agent temporaire CDT-AD5-2019/07Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Avis de concours interne – Administrateur gestionnaire de programmes AD6

Concours interne Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Assistant au sein du groupe infrastructure et securité

Agent temporaire CDT-AST3-2019/06Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Développeur-Sénior Microsoft.Net-Angular

Agent temporaire CDT-AST4-2019/04Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Assistant flux de traduction

Agent temporaire CDT-AST3-2019/05Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg


Agent temporaire CDT-AD5-2019/02Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Chef comptable

Agent temporaire CDT-AD8-2019/01 Publication date: Closing date:

Notice of internal competition – Head of the Development Section - IT

Internal competition Publication date: Closing date:

Assistant Service Desk (ACIII)

Agent contractuel CDT-ACIII-2019/02Publication date: Closing date:

Agents de support des flux de travail (CDT-ACIII-2019/01)

Agent contractuel CDT-ACIII-2019/01Publication date: Closing date:

Publication d’un avis de vacance pour le poste de directeur (Agent temporaire — Grade AD 14)

Agent temporaire COM/2019/20033Publication date: Closing date: Luxembourg

Postes de stagiaire en 2019

Stage Traineeship 2019Publication date: Closing date:

Chef comptable (AD7-AD9)

Fonctionnaire CDT/01/2019Publication date: Closing date:

Administrateur linguiste de langue croate – AD6

Concours interne CDT/CI/2018/04Publication date: Closing date:

Administrateur Ressources Humaines AD5-AD6 (CDT/IAM/AD/18/03)

Mobilité inter-agences CDT/IAM/AD/18/03Publication date: Closing date:

Avis de vacance n° CDT/08/2018 – Chef comptable

Publication interne CDT/08/2018Publication date: Closing date:

Administrateur - Technologie de la langue AD6

Concours interne Publication date: Closing date:

Avis de concours interne – Chef de la section ressources humaines (AD8)

Concours interne CDT/CI/2018/02Publication date: Closing date:

Notice of internal competition – Linguistic Administrator (AD7)

Internal competition CDT/CI/2018/01Publication date: Closing date:

Assistant(e) au sein de la section affaires juridiques (AST3-AST5)

Mobilité inter-agences CDT/IAM/AST/18/02Publication date: Closing date:

Traducteur anglais (AD5)

Agent temporaire CDT-AD5-2018/01Publication date: Closing date:

Postes de stagiaire en 2018

Stage Traineeship 2018Publication date: Closing date:


Agent contractuel CDT-ACIII-2018/01Publication date: Closing date:


Agent temporaire CDT-AST3-2018/01Publication date: Closing date:

Director’s assistant (AD5-AD8)

Inter-Agency Mobility CDT/IAM/AD/18/01Publication date: Closing date:

Postes de stagiaire en 2018

Stage Trainee positions in 2018Publication date: Closing date:


Agent temporaire CDT-AD5-2017/04Publication date: Closing date:

Agents techniques de support à la traduction

Agent contractuel CDT-ACII-2017/01Publication date: Closing date:

Administrateur pour la planification stratégique et la gestion de la qualité

Agent temporaire CDT-AD5-2017/03Publication date: Closing date:

Finance Assistant AST3-AST5 (Inter-Agency Mobility)

Inter-Agency Mobility CDT/IAM/AST/17/01Publication date: Closing date:

Avis de vacance N° CDT/02/2017 – Direction (AST4-AST9) (Prolongation de la date limite de dépôt des candidatures)

Fonctionnaire CDT/02/2017Publication date: Closing date:

Notice of internal competition – Administrator Finance (AD5)

Internal competition CDT/CI/2017/01Publication date: Closing date:


Agent temporaire CDT-AD5-2017/02Publication date: Closing date:


Agent temporaire CDT-AD5-2017/01Publication date: Closing date:


Agent contractuel CDT-ACIII-2016/01Publication date: Closing date:

Chef de la section «Planification budgétaire et stratégique»

Agent temporaire CDT-AD8-2016/01Publication date: Closing date:


Agent temporaire CDT-AST/SC2/2015/03Publication date: Closing date: